Vmock 101

VMock is a smart platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to give you instant personalized feedback on your resume.

Please review the VMock Guide so you best use this powerful tool, there are many areas to click and view feedback.

VMock will answer:

  • Is this the right format?
  • Do I have strong bullet points?
  • Should I put my GPA on my resume?
  • Am I missing anything on my resume?

You get a resume score, formatting comments, and content suggestions to get your resume in top notch condition. VMock will give you a step by step resume review so you are prepared to apply for internships, research, and global experiences. Work with your DavisConnects advisor to strategize where you will go with your impeccable resume!

Please use your first.last email to sign in to your account.


By Jason Wall
Jason Wall Dean of Students and Global Engagement (Interim)