Welcome to Interest Exploration!
Some students choose a Colby liberal arts education because it gives them the chance to sample and explore as widely as they can.
One great way to build momentum is to meet with a DavisConnects advisor. Stop by Grossman or make an appointment online. Another is to start attending events that look interesting to you.
If you’d rather get started on your own, you won’t hurt our feelings, although we would like to meet you! You can visit the Explore Your Interests and the Self Assessment section of our website.
Check out Vault Guides to learn more about Career self assessments.
the various careers across a wide range of
Expanding your network can be done several ways Resources to help you gain clarity about
including joining the, Colby Professional Networking driving strength, interests, and values.
Group, attending both on and off campus
DavisConnects events, and more. Check our
resources at Expand Your Network.