Jan Plan Faculty-Led Courses

The fundamental purpose of the January Program is to broaden and extend the learning experience at Colby by offering students distinctive opportunities not ordinarily available during the traditional academic semesters. By definition, January experiences are intensely focused, emphasizing engagement by faculty and students with a single subject matter or experience.

The following courses require a course fee that is not included in regular tuition or covered by financial aid (although you may be eligible for limited grant funding through DavisConnects). While most options are located off-campus, either abroad or elsewhere in the U.S., some courses are conducted directly on Colby’s campus.

Students must apply for admission directly through the staff or faculty instructor in mid-September and all students will be notified by September 30, 2024 whether they are accepted, waitlisted, or denied admission. Only students that are accepted or waitlisted may apply for funding. Enrollment, registration, and withdrawal for these courses are directly managed by instructors (the regular on-line course selection process is not available for these courses). For a complete outline of enrollment procedures and policies, please download this document. For information about funding please see this page and/or download this video.

